Well folks, Elijah is almost four months old, I am back to work, and loving life. My three months of maternity leave were amazing, and I wouldn't have given them up for anything- but I am a worker bee, and being back at work feels really good too. I have to admit that I am a little spoiled; so far Colton has brought Elijah to me on all of my lunch breaks so that I can feed him. Thankfully he is taking a bottle (finally!!), but to have that once a shift visit from my family is amazing. My husband is a saint.
It feels to me like Elijah has completed my life; I feel that much more whole and like I want to forever improve myself for him. It's quite an amazing feeling. Colton and I now understand why people have lots and lots of babies- for us the whole pregnancy, birth, and early months have been quite delightful, we have learned a ton and had a seemingly easy time of it. It's been a high, and we want to keep going!! For us though, we'll wait a couple of years; we're going to save for a new house that can fit more babies and then we'll continue on!!